My Faith/Eliza Dushku painting was still not finished as I travelled down to Inva2ion this weekend in London. I needed to finish it to enter it into the Art competition and to have it on show for people to see during the convention. I took my easel and paints with me and I finished it off during the Friday night and Saturday morning from my hotel room in the Renaissance at Heathrow. I had to use the hairdryer on it to get the paint to dry quicker 😀
Here is the painting. To give it a more personal touch I set the scene in Boston at Fenway Park the home of the Boston Red Sox. The bad guys (zombies/Demons) in the corner are supporters of rival team the New York Yankees. The dog is supposed to be Max Factor (Elizas dog making a guest appearance :D) jumping into the face of unknown danger to protect his owner, while Faith prepares to swipe at her unseen enemy with a baseball bat!
I did finally get to meet Eliza several times over the weekend and got a photo taken 😀

Paul Burrow with Eliza Dushku
Just noticed Eliza saw my painting & took a picture of it!!! CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE PHOTO